Past CLE Lunch & Learn presentations have covered diverse topics ranging from DNA analysis to working with forensic psychologists to vicarious trauma and self-care.
Continuing Legal Education and Training
The Mecklenburg County Public Defender’s Office Continuing Legal Education program provides free ongoing training to attorneys and paralegals within the Public Defender's Office, the private bar, and attorneys throughout the state of North Carolina. This program allows attendees to receive CLE credit from the NC Bar at the rate of $3.50 per hour. Sessions are typically held at the Public Defender's Office, convenient to the Mecklenburg County courthouse and jail.
Since October of 2015, speakers from the Mecklenburg County Public Defender’s Office, attorneys from the local criminal defense bar, and experts from across the state have covered such diverse topics as DNA analysis, Determining the Cause of Death, Immigration Consequences of Criminal Convictions, Jury Selection, Theme and Theory, Human Trafficking, the Intersection of Criminal Court and Abuse and Neglect Court, and Incapacity to Proceed. Without the volunteer speakers, this program would not be possible.